Chronological Table of events that led to the beginnings of

King Williams War in Maine


1686 June 3 June 3, 1886 Andros became Governor of New England by commission of James II  
1686 Sep 19 James II orders that the jurisdiction of Pemaquid be in the hands of Andros  
1687/8 Jan 13 A tax of one penny in the pound assessed "on all the late Colonies and Provinces toward defraying the public charges of this Government"  
1688 March/Apr


Andros wanted to assert his jurisdiction on a traditionally French territory. He sailed on his sloop to Pemiquid and there met the Frigate Rose. He loaded her up with carpenters, lumber and nails. It was his intention to repair an old English fort on the banks of the Penobscot after making his point to Baron de St Castin. When EA got to Penobscot Castin and his family had fled into the woods. EA sacked the house and fort of Castin taking household goods and ammunition. Collections of the Maine Historical Society Ser 1 vol 7


1688 Aug 6


In N. Yarmouth some Indians got drunk and argumentative with Henry and Sam Lanes. They threatened to kill one of his  hogs at the end of July. Saco Indians fired on cattle that got into their corn wounding cattle then threatened to shoot at the English if they didn't keep their cows from repeatedly eating the Indian's corn.   Saco Indians had been deprived of their food sources. The English had not paid them the corn agreed upon in the 1878 treaty. They were stretching nets across the Saco River, thereby preventing fish from getting to where the Indians fished, and finally the Englishmen's cattle were eating what little corn the Indians were able to grow. Benjamin Blackman of Saco then gathered up 16 to 20 Saco Indians who had been leaders against the English during King Phillips war. Documentary History of the State of Maine, Volume 6


Narratives of the Indian War 1675-1699


1688 Aug 13 Indians surprise and break up the settlement of North Yarmouth on the Royals River in retribution for Saco Indians capture  
1688 Sep 5-6


Indians attack and burn New Dartmouth (Newcastle) and destroy the fort and break up the settlement at Sheepscot River Documentary History of the State of Maine, Volume 6


1688 Oct 4-9


Letters of apology to E Andros from Tyng, Dudley, etc for capturing and sending to Boston the Indians from Saco. Apparently Andros is furious. Tyng admits his instructions caused Blackman to to round up the Saco Indians  
1688 Oct 11



Letter from Gov Andros to John Allyn dated Oct 16, 1688 5am (John Barrett's brother and father or Barrow & Bussey)

Sr. I have this night received advise from Boston that ye 11th instant one man was found killed by Indians to ye Eastward att Cape Porpus & severall others missing who are feared to be lost, the Indians beingstill out doe not yett know their number or of others joyned with them, But could not omitt this informacon to yorselfe together with ye inclosed to Capt Nicholson and Major Generall Winthropp, which desire you to forward by expresse, of with presume ye Bearer a fitt person for one, and Remaine,

Sr, Yor very affectionate friend E. Andros

The Public Records of the Colony of Connecticut 1636-1776


1688 Oct 27 Andros set sail on the Frigate Rose with Radcliff from Expedition to the eastward - Sewall Diary
1688/9 Feb 14 The crown (of England) was offered by the Lords and Commons to William and Mary  
1688/9 Mar 14 King William tells Lord Wharton and Mr. Mather in person that he intends to remove Andros from the government of New England and be called unto an account for his Male-Administration. Andros Tracts


1688/9 Mar 24 Andros is back in Boston. He appoints a committee to "receive contributions" from the inhabitants of Boston toward building "a house or place for the service of the Church of England".  
1688/9 Mar 28 


Order concerning soldiers at Saco 

Order - Information being given that 17 soldiers yt were put into the Garrison at Saco, have Deserted their trust, & their Magesy's service, and is a very bad president. It is ordered that said soldiers be forthwith summoned to appear before this court to give account of their action herein. As also those yet are come away disorderly from Cochecho, or any other of ye Garrisons.// voted in ye Consent of ye representatives by order Ja: Russell

Documentary History of the State of Maine, Volume 6 


  Petition of Lieut-Col Tyng and others Documentary History of the State of Maine, Volume 6


1689 Apr


Letter to Gov. Andros  from D. Davison

The great cry among the people is concerning the sick and weak soldiers to the eastward which if your Excellency would be pleased to permit to come home would be a great obligation to them tho others were sent there, if your Excellency see cause for it and if your Excellency would please to signify to me that if there be occasion you will order Garrisons in our out towns hereabouts, it may be a great means to quiet these tumults.

Documentary History of the State of Maine, Volume 6


1689 Apr 9 Testimony of George Little That he heard Wm Sargeant of Amesbury affirm Apr 8th that he was informed by the Indians, That the great man (Andros) had hired the Indians to come down on the English, to destroy them, & had given some coats & some money, by the great man he in after discourse mentioned the governor. That he further said that the southern Indians had given over their designe, on notice that the prince of Orange was Protector in England, & so they hoped for better timed. That the Eastern Indians were for war, but Penicook Indians if they were hired or set forward by the English, would undertake to cutt them off.

Taken on oathApril 10, 1689 before me, Jo: Woodbridge J.P.

Documentary History of the State of Maine, Volume 6


1689 Apr 12


Warrent for assistance to Capt John Floyd on his March to Saco

From Andros to all Justices of ye peace sheriffs constables etc.

Whereas I am given to understand that several of ye soldiers in his majesty's  service on ye expedition eastward under the command of Capt John Floyd have in a mutinous manner left and deserted their post and station at Saco River contrary to their officers commands and whereas I have given orders to their said capt to move and march them again to their said post and station there to remain till further order. These are therefore in his majesty's name straightly to charge and require you and every of you to be helpful aiding and providing for ye soldiersunder his command in their said march and in case any shall refuse to obey him as their commander that then you likewise afford him all aid and assistance to compel same or secure ye person or persons so refusing to be sent to this place and proceeded against accordingly. For which this shall be your warrent. Given under my hand and seal at Boston ye 12th day of Apr 1689 

Documentary History of the State of Maine, Volume 6


1689 Apr 12

Documentary History of the State of Maine, Volume 6

Order for Capt John Floyd with his men to his station at Saco River by Andros

For as much as you have given me to understand that several of ye soldiers under your command have in a mutinous manner contrary to your order left & deserted their service and station at Saco River and are marching toward this place. You are therefore forthwith to repair to your said station and by the way to command and March back any soldiers you shall meet with and taking care that they comport themselves orderly and duly pay and discharge their quarters and there remain till further order. You are to commit any person or persons that have or shall be mutinous or refectory, to be sent hither and proceeded against accordingly.

You are also to take ye charge and command of ye Garrison at Kennebunk and appoint such officers and soldiers there and relieve them from time to time as you shall think fit. Given under my hand and seal ye 12th day of April in ye fifth year of ye reign of our sovereign Lord James

1689 Apr 12


Warrant by his Excellency Gov Andros

 Being informed that contrary to order you have quitted and discharged ye garrison and soldiers at Kennebunk put under your command I have therefore given Capt Floyd ye charge and command thereof and hereby require you forthwith to repair to me to answer ye above and what else may be objected against you on his Majesty's behalf whereof you are not to fail. Dated att Boston ye 12th day of April 1689 to Leiut John Puddington at Kennebunk

Documentary History of the State of Maine, Volume 6


1689 Apr 18 Apr 18 1689 Sir Edmund Andros deposed and imprisoned in Boston Colonial Self-Government


1689 Apr 22 Cape Porpoise attacked Transactions of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts


1689 April Francis Lyford of Exeter hired by Captain John Perkins of Portsmouth to sail to Saco and bring away "the distressed inhabitants when the Indians were burning and destroying all about them" Cape Porpus was considered part of Saco in 1689, by a 1688 order of Gov. Andros, much to the chagrin of Cape Porpus inhabitants.     
1689 Apr 25


Letter from Wells to "ye superior power now being at Boston" Indian attack on Saco and Cape Porpoise

WELLS ; 25th Aprill 1689 — May it plese your Hon. wee haue receiued certain information that ye 2_th of this Instant being Lords day, the Indians; suposed to be eight or ten ; sundry of them well known to y inhabitance of Saco came upon said town, surprising y people, in their houses: wounded to y number of fiue or six, burnt two houses, with all the goods y owners with great difficulty escapeing: y next day they came to Cape-Porpus burnt a house begun to be Garrisoned, belonging to Nicho Moorey slew one young man: uiz: John Barrett (whose father and two Brothers, were killed by sum Indians as is supposed, ye last fall) took y slain mans horse and another out of a pasture and rode about triumphantly in uiew of y desolate Inhabitance: who for their safty) were forced to forsake y Terra firma or main. and to betake themselues to an Island: where is a Garrison, where they remained in a deplorable case, and are subject to staruing, or murder, or both if speedy succor be not afforded. their cattle, it is to be feared, are mostly killed y Indians shooting uery often in y woods. y certainty, of y premises we reciue from two men, who went on purpose for information : of which we thought meet to giue your Hon an account so leauing your Hon to y Protection of heauen, and y sad case of y distressed to your most serious compastionate thoughts. wee subscribe — Your Hon. most humble seruants

Transactions of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts


1689 July 30

Edward Randolph papers

Andros and Randolph who are both imprisined in Boston request that either they be set at liberty or sent to England in protective custady. An order to that effect is issued  Edward Randolph papers


1689/90 February Andros is sent to England after having been imprisoned in Boston for 10 months. Instead of being imprisoned in England he was released In 1692 he was appointed the Governor of Virginia  


Answer to Edmund Andros Account of the forces raised in New England for Defence of the country against the Indians in the year 1688. Humbly offered by the agents of the Massachusetts Colony to the right honorable  the lords of the committee for plantations Andros Tracts